
Serviços pouco conhecidos que seus dentistas estão fornecendo

Serviços pouco conhecidos que seus dentistas estão fornecendo

Serviços pouco conhecidos que seus dentistas estão fornecendo

People tend to think that dentists only deal with teeth, but what they don’t know is that dentists help their patients’ overall oral health. In this article, we will explore some of the things that dental care professionals have to offer besides taking care of your teeth.

Think of the general dentist as the general practitioner when it comes to medicine, this healthcare professional can diagnose, treat and manage your oral health needs such as root canals, gums, fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges and can give you general recommendations.

“ This healthcare professional focuses on taking and interpreting X-ray imageology and useful data that comes out of these images, in order to help diagnose and manage conditions of the oral and maxillofacial region.”

The endodontist is a specialist in the care, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of the myriad of diseases and conditions that affect human dental pulp and the nerve of the tooth.


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“Verificamos a sua situação dentária atual e decidimos o melhor tratamento.”

Cliente 01
Cliente 01

“Nossos especialistas cuidarão do seu sorriso com dedicação e seriedade.”

Cliente 02
Cliente 02

“Realizamos checkups periódicos para garantir que seus dentes estejam sempre saudáveis.”

Cliente 03
Cliente 03
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